Bennington Illustration and Comics (BIC) Risograph Printed Zine

At Bennington, I help manage the risograph club, as well as BIC Zine. We run comic making workshops and teach other students how to use the printer. I took on the zine last spring from a graduating senior, and have embraced the project.

Comic making and illustration are important art forms, and deserve a space to share. We print and fold every zine ourselves, and disperse it for free. This fall we released our fourth edition.

This spring the zines will be digitized and archived.

Posey Moulton’s Beneath the Forest, Beneath the Sea (2022)

I interned with Posey Moulton in the spring as she was working on her TEMPOart Maine-commissioned installation, Beneath the Forest, Beneath the Sea in Payson Park. With a team of artists and collaborators, I worked with Moulton and assisted in a few youth workshops related to the project. The three interactive monumental structures were made of fishing net, buoys, and other trash found in the ocean.

Clean Air Mural Project (Summer 2021)

Through Maine Youth Action Network’s G2O (Gateway to Opportunity) leadership program, I created a mural with four other students and local muralist The Color Wizard. Our goal that summer was, in collaboration with Portland Public Health, to create a project based on tobacco free environments and why they are important.


Painting + Drawing


Film + Animation